Canal + shows the first images of Gbagbo in Korhogo since his kidnapping by French army

Publié le par truthfighter



A man in good shape, calm, relaxed, whose abilities are impaired in any way. That is the impression that emerges from the first video images of President Laurent Gbagbo, filmed by a camera of the TV station Canal +. Pictures "stolen" because his captors did not want them to be taken absolutely. "Sir, stop the camera, if not ..." we hear them threatening.

The report of Canal +, as the vast majority of the French media productions on Côte d'Ivoire, impose a permanent situation implying the "bad Gbagbo" and the"good Ouattara." But he allows his lawyers to speak. Jacques Vergès exposes the angle of Ouattara's regime attack who says without any scruples to be "unable" to judge Laurent Gbagbo in Ivory Coast.

"Ouattara's lawyer, in his application to the International Criminal Court, said that justice can not judge in Côte d'Ivoire. If you tell of a state that His justice can not judge, Is that there is no more government. Can you imagine that in 1945 De Gaulle has said the UN must take care of Petain. And he does not trust his justice. This is a complete failure ", He asserts . Responding to a question from a journalist for Canal +, he reveals clearly the nature of the confrontation. "Sarkozy is his enemy. Who fired the cannon on the Presidency? It's our national madman ! "

As for Roland Dumas, he gives his impressions of the general state of his client: "I found him pretty well, physically and morally. Physically, he was in great shape. The only thing he complains about, is that he does not get enough exercise. " He also spoke about future court battles. "He gave us some information on the history, the way things happened to the Presidency about the French army, which is not in honor of the French army," he said . He probably suggests strikes well targeted of Unicorne helicopters on the rooms where Gbagbo was supposed to be, during the assault on his residence. Strikes which nature could make a very clear criminal intent.

Source: Le Nouveau courrier

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